The Gate 13 Podcast

2022: The Pac-12 is Dead, Long Live the Pac-12

Welp, the Pac-12 is dead. Or going to be. So much…

2 years ago
Welp, the Pac-12 is dead. Or going to be. So much for an uneventful offseason. We're here to talk about what the hell just happened, and what it means for Stanford (maybe, who knows what's gonna happen). Enjoy an hour of us both ranting about how much Stanford sucks and being obnoxiously pompous and delusional about how great Stanford is! As always, ask us questions on Twitter at @Gate13podcast or email [email protected]!
Coming live* from under the Gate 13 tree outside Stanford Stadium, a weekly look at Stanford football from some longtime fans with just the right mix of optimism and jadedness. THE Stanford football podcast.